Tourist information / Opening hours and guided tours

Main information:

Opening hours and guided tours

UNESCO World Heritage Day on Sunday, 1 June 2025

The Würzburg Residence will be open to visitors on this year's UNESCO World Heritage Day. As a special programme is planned for this day, there will be no regular guided tours on 1 June.


Picture: Ceiling fresco in the Imperial Hall, detail


Opening hours

April-October: daily 9 am-6 pm (last entry: 5.15 pm)
November-March: daily 10 am-4.30 pm (last entry: 4 pm)

The Würzburg Residence is only closed on 1 January, Shrove Tuesday, 24 / 25 / 31 December.

The Court Church is open during regular opening hours. Unfortunately, it is not possible to visit during church services and weddings.

The Court Garden is open daily until dusk (8 pm at the latest).

Picture: Ceiling fresco in tht staircase, detail

Guided tours

All rooms of the Würzburg Residence can be visited without a guided tour. The entrance ticket entitles visitors to join a guided tour held by the Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Würzburg.

We offer guided tours in English every day at 11 am and 3 pm (duration about 30 minutes).

Guided tours in German:
every full and half hour (last tour 1 hour before closing time)


Information for school classes / groups

For organisational reasons, we ask school classes in general and other travel groups of 15 persons or more to book six working days in advance. Further information can be found under Reservation for groups.

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